Monday, November 18, 2013

Structure and Function of Neural Networks

           Structure and Function of Neural Networks - neural networks composed of nerve cells called neurons . These neurons are numerous and branching , connecting one network to another . Each nerve cell consists of nerve cell bodies , axons ( neurites ) , dendrites , and nerve sheaths . Bodies of nerve cells and then assembled to form the ganglion . Ganglion - ganglion is located only in certain places , ie on the left and right of the spinal cord .

The course starts from the stimulation impulses or stimulation from the outside who were arrested by the dendrites , then proceed to the cell body . From the cell body to the axon impulse is passed ( neurites ) . Axon is what will deliver impulses to the nerve cells that eventually delivered to the effector organs . Neural network is formed by nerve cells called neurons . Neurons consist of a cell body and fiber cells . Cell fibers composed of dendrites and axons . Gathered in the center of the cell body and the nerve ganglia ( collection of nerve cell bodies ) .

( a) Nerve cells viewed using an electron microscope with a magnification 3.600x .
( b ) The structure of nerve cells with the parts.

         Dendrites bring stimuli to the body cells , whereas excitatory axons carry impulses from the cell body to other neurons or muscles . Axon is wrapped by a fatty sheath called myelin sheath . The sheath is the expansion of the cell membrane that accompanies axon . In certain sections , the myelin sheath thinning , then thickened again . Part of the myelin sheath are called nodes of Ranvier thinning . This node was instrumental in strengthening and acceleration of nerve impulse transmission . Based on how neurons send excitatory , neurons can be grouped as follows .

Afferent neuron , sensory nerves duty conduct of an organ recipient excitatory stimuli ( receptor ) to the central nervous system , the brain and spinal cord . A group of sensory neuron cell bodies together to form a continuous ganglion to the spinal cord . EURON sensory axons toward bringing stimulation to the central nervous tissue , both the spinal marrow or brain . Therefore , the receiver is often called excitatory sensory neurons .

Intermediate neurons , liaison between afferent neurons and efferent neurons . Intermediate neurons located in the central nervous system . Intermediate forwarding excitatory neurons of the afferent neuron to the efferent neurons , or neuron to another intermediary .

Efferent neurons , carry nerve impulses received from the intermediate neurons . Messages sent to determine the body's response to stimuli received by afferent neurons . Dendrites of efferent neurons attached to muscles so often called motor neurons .
Neuronal cell bodies located in the center of the nerve and ganglion . Ganglion is a collection of nerve cell bodies are located , for example on either side of the spinal cord . Nerve cells have the following functions .

a. Respond to environmental changes ( irritability ) .
b . Carry nerve impulses ( messages ) to the nerve center and vice versa ( conductivity ) .
c . Actively react to stimuli that come in the form of motions to move or escape .

Structure and Function of Neural Networks Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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