Sunday, November 17, 2013

Animal Cells and Plant Cells

 Plants have parts that distinguish cells with animal cells . Parts of the cell :
a. cell wall
Plant stem leboh generally harder than the human body . Humans can pinch a friend , but can not pinch the wood . This is because the outer part dindng plant cells are formed from the cell wall very hard . The main constituent of the cell wall material in the form of wood substance , namely cellulose composed of glucose . Besides cellulose , the cell wall also contains other substances such as pekton , hemicellulose , and glycoproteins .

b . vacuole
Membranous organelles vacuole is a fluid-filled vacuoles . Vacuoles are in animal cells and plant cells . However , vacuoles in plant cells has the form and function that is more real than the vacuoles in animals . Plants are still young , have vacuole small in size , but the plants grow and mature besat , reveal a large vacuole and cytoplasm dominate even urged Diding cytoplasm to the cell edge .
     Basically the cytoplasm is hypertonic fluids to the environment , so the water absorbs vacuoles . As a result , vacuoles enlarge and improve the water pressure in it ( turgor pressure ) and urged the vacuole membrane ( tonoplas ) to the cytoplasm . Cytoplasm tekannnya forward toward the cell wall . Turgor pressure is useful to regulate osmotic fluid movement from outside to inside the cell . Cukuo cell wall cytoplasm withstand pressure , limiting the volume of the cell cytoplasm and prevent rupture .

     Vacuole contains food reserves compounds , such as amino acids , sugars , some organic acids , and some proteins . Some of the other vacuoles contain secondary metabolites . Secondary metabolites are chemical compounds that are not needed by the cell itself . One example is a secondary metabolite of anthocyanins ( pigemen cell ) which are responsible for the color purple , pink , and blue on the surface of the fruit , flowers and leaves .
c . plastids
     Plastids are membranous organelles duplicate by ventuk and diverse functions . Some important platida is chloroplasts , kromoplas and leukoplas .

· Chloroplasts
Chloroplasts are organelles that contain chlorophyll . Chlorophyll during photosynthesis works . Koroplas structure consisting of an outer membrane that allows you to skip the molecules sized less than 10 kilodalton without selectivity ; inner membrane is selectively permeable and is useful for selecting molecules in and out of the active transport ; chloroplast stroma is the fluid that is useful for storing the results in the form of photosynthesis starch ( starch ) , and thylakoid site of photosynthesis .

· Kromoplas
Kromoplas was plastids are yellow orange and red because they contain carotene . Cells containing kromoplas found on flowers , ripe fruit , and the leaves will fall . Kromplas color varies by association with other NZ pigemn flowers and fruit , the anthocyanins that are stored in the vacuole .

· Leukoplas
Leukoplas is colorless plastids . Leukoplas generally useful for storing food reserves , such as starch and proteins in the cells of cassava stem and root cells in potato .


            Animals have distinctive organelles in the cell , the centrioles .
            Centrioles are cylindrical structures like a pair that has a hole in the middle and tersuusn of microtubule protein . Centrioles composed of microtubules that form a protein structure that looks like netting attaches to chromosomes during cell division ( mitosis and meiosis ) . Mesh is called benag spindle .

  • Differences in Animal Cells and Plant Cells
  • Plant cells
  • Animal cells
  • Have a cell wall
  • Does not have a cell wall
  • Has a large vacuole
  • Have small vacuoles
  • Having plastids ( kroloplas , kromoplas and leukoplas )
  • Not have plastids
  • Do not have centrioles
  • have centrioles

Animal Cells and Plant Cells Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Creator Edukasi

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