Wednesday, January 1, 2014

10 Things It Can Make Women So Blazing Libido

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - What makes women the most passionate ? It was not a touch of a spouse , or a romantic atmosphere , but realized that his weight had dropped .
Especially if new plus earn some money , and the sheets on the bed clean . On the contrary , man's desire will appear after hanging out with his friends .

New research from entertainment brand , Mecca , it involves 2,000 British people . Revealed that 60 percent of women will increase excitement after getting a lot of money . Therefore , 52 percent of men would leave their partners to play bingo , if it makes them win some money and go home in a state of " mood " .
Surprisingly , cleaning the house is also included in the 10 things that could make a man excited , also driving a sports car and find out their favorite sports team wins the game .
If England win the World Cup , surely it sparked a passion to make love all people . Because, surely win things can trigger adrenaline , which makes a person's desire to rise , according to psychologist Tracey Cox , who is also an expert sex , relationships , and body language .

" Winning is a theme common to both sexes , when it comes to sexual desire . Whether because of a sports team wins , or wins the game of bingo , it gives a personal benefit that trigger happiness . Want to win is a basic human instinct , it's what keeps us life , " he said .

When winning something , our brains are flooded neotransmitter stimulant which also released when having sex . Nerves that cause heartburn in the stomach , rapid heart rate , and adrenaline racing . This will continue to be released until victory is actually happening , and make our desires still rise .
By the way , how could the story beberes on the list of things that trigger sexual desire of men ?
According to Cox , because the majority of men do not look clean as they work , they will feel a certain achievement when it managed to do so . " Maybe they think that the chances of having sex so much higher because their partner will be happy with the ( action ) them, and are willing to give ' rewards ' such as sex , " he said .

10 things that make her passionate :

1 . Weight loss
2 . Changing the sheets
3 . Won some money
4 . Hang out with female friends
5 . Hot shower
6 . Working at night or working on Christmas Eve
7 . Changing hairstyles
8 . putting on makeup
9 . The gym
10 . Managed to make a transaction , or completing major tasks in the workplace

10 things that make men passionate :

1 . Hang out with male friends
2 . Changing the sheets
3 . Hot shower
4 . Won some money
5 . If his favorite sports team wins
6 . Weight loss
7 . The gym
8 . Driving a sports car
9 . Managed to make a transaction , or completing major tasks in the workplace
10 . Housework

10 things that make men passionate :

1 . Hang out with male friends
2 . Changing the sheets
3 . Hot shower
4 . Won some money
5 . If his favorite sports team wins
6 . Weight loss
7 . The gym
8 . Driving a sports car
9 . Managed to make a transaction , or completing major tasks in the workplace
10 . Housework

10 Things It Can Make Women So Blazing Libido Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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