Saturday, November 23, 2013

Examples Preface latest 2013

Examples Preface latest 2013

Foreword papers

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh .

Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin , many blessings God has given , but little is remembered . Praise belongs only to God Lord of the universe for all the blessings , grace , Taufik , and his guidance that has no measurable amount , so that I can finish the paper with the title " TITLE OF PAPER " .

In preparation , the authors derive a lot of support from various parties , because the authors would like to thank you profusely for : Both parents and the whole family of the writers ( Mr. Ihsan , Bu khusniah ) who have provided support , love , and trust is so great . That's where all this success started , hopefully all these could give a little happiness and lead to a better step .

Although the authors hope that the contents of this paper are free of flaws and errors , but there is always less . Therefore , the authors expect criticism and suggestions so that this thesis can be better again .

End the authors hope that this paper is useful for all readers .


Surabaya , June 15, 2013




name buddy


Preface sociology papers

Thank God , is a very appropriate word to God ucakan author STW , which is due bimbingannyalah the writer can finish a sociology paper entitled " Impact of urbanization on economic growth in micro "

This paper is made with a variety of observations within a specified period so as to produce work that can be accounted for the results . I thank the stakeholders who have helped me in facing the challenges in the preparation of this paper .

I realize that there are still so many fundamental flaws in this paper . By because I invite readers to give criticism and constructive suggestions for the advancement of this science .

Thank you , and hopefully this paper can provide a positive contribution to us all

Makassar, June 15, 2013


" Author "




Deep gratitude we convey to the presence of God , Most Gracious , because thanks to the grace of this paper we can finish the corresponding diharapkan.Dalam this paper we discuss " Securing e - mail from Spam " , a problem which is always experienced by the people who use e - mail weeks to access the information by using the Internet , especially those in private e -mail to join the mailing list group .

This paper was made in order to deepen the understanding of the security issues that are indispensable in the hope of getting a safety in the use of information technology , especially the use of the internet and also perform the tasks of students taking the course " Network Security information "

In the process of deepening security material is , of course, we get the guidance , direction , correction and suggestions , to the gratitude in which we convey " : Dr . Ir . Budi Rahardjo , as a lecturer in " Network Security information " , fellow student who has provided input to this paper .


Thus I created this paper may be useful ,


Pekanbaru , June 15, 2013







Praise be to Allah who has given His favor and guidance especially delicious opportunity and health so I can menyelesaikanmakalah course " CHEMICAL BASIS " . Then along greetings blessings we convey to our great Prophet Muhammad SAW who has provided a way of life , al - quran and sunnah to the safety of people in the world .

This paper is one task subjects in the Basic Chemical engineering courses at the engineering faculty of the University of Riau . Furthermore, the authors thank profusely to Ms. Dra.Khairat , Msi as supervisor Basic Chemistry courses and to all parties who have provided guidance and direction during the writing of this paper .

Finally, the authors recognize that there are many flaws in the writing of this paper , therefore the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper .


Pekanbaru , June 15, 2013







Thanks to the grace that God bestowed upon us so health agencies , faith and mind tercurahkan to us through His grace . Health is the most valuable thing , where personal hygiene should start maintaining the health of both the environment and the workplace where we settlement . Plumbing system in this case contribute significantly important to maintain the health of the building or home environment where work and living places .

This paper was prepared with the aim to assist students in understanding a hotel building which memeng very complicated to figure it out on my own and required special skills in drafting a hotel building .

Finally, we express our thanks and appreciation as much as possible to all those who have supported the preparation of this paper . Furthermore, we are looking forward to comments and suggestions from readers that will grow our gratitude to the grace of Allah and in the future improvement of this paper .


Pekanbaru , June 15, 2013







Deep gratitude we convey to the presence of God , Most Gracious , because thanks to the grace of this paper we can finish as expected . In this paper we discuss the " Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil Cu Metal Industrial Solid Waste Paper Deinking Process by Plant Sunflowers ( Helianthus annuus L. ) by the addition of Mycorrhizae . "

This paper was made in order to deepen the understanding and protection of the environment and saving knowledge of phytoremediation that is needed in a hope of getting a healthy environment and simultaneously perform the tasks of students taking the course " Biological and Environmental Microbiology . "

In the process of deepening the phytoremediation of matter , of course, we get the guidance , direction , and knowledge , to the gratitude in which we submit to :

• Said Mr Zul Amraini , ST.MT , as a lecturer in " Biological and Environmental Microbiology "

• Fellow student who has provided input to this paper .


Thus this paper we make may be useful ,


Pekanbaru , June 15, 2013







Praise the presence of GOD Almighty , who has always bestowed His Grace and Hidayah so we are all in good health in carrying out daily activities . Compiler also pray GOD Almighty presence , because only with kerido'an HIS paper with the title " ELECTRO MAGNETIC WAVES " this can be resolved .

The author is fully well aware that without the assistance of many parties , this paper would not exist and is still far from perfect , therefore, with all humility and suggestions the authors hope for the sake of further improvements .

Finally the authors hope that this paper can provide benefits for the needy .


Pekanbaru , June 15, 2013





Preface Sample Report



Praise author prayed to God Almighty who has given grace and gifts , so I can finish the Job Implementation Report .

This practice is one of the courses that must be taken in the Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty , University of Indonesia . Work Report is structured as a complement practical work that has been carried out over approximately 1 month at PT Jaya Teknik Telekomunikasi Indonesia, especially in the division .

With the completion of this practical work is inseparable from the support from many people who have provided input to the author . To the authors say many thanks to :

1 . lecturer

2 . Leaders of PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia

3 . Employees of PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia

The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings of this report , both of material and presentation techniques , given the lack of knowledge and experience of the author . Therefore , criticism and suggestions are very authors expect .


Pekanbaru , June 15, 20013





Sample Word Pegantar Books



Merangin District Health Profile 2007 is a means to monitor the achievement of the activities reported health pembanunan Merangin District in 2006 , which contains data and information on the achievement of Healthy Indonesia 2010 ( IS 2010) , Minimum Service Standards ( MSS ) and Healthy Merangin 2008.

On this occasion, we express our appreciation to all those who have been involved in the preparation of this book , which we can not mention one by one . May God Almighty repay all the kindness and hard work all of you .

In preparing this book , we admit is far from perfect . To the suggestions and constructive criticism towards the improvement of this book we received with open arms .

Finally , hopefully this book can be useful and membahtu anyone who reads and require data evaluation results in coverage of health development programs Merangin District in 2006 .

Examples Preface Thesis



Praise to Allah SWT for all the abundance of grace , His Taufik and guidance so that the Faculty of Economics , Islamic University of Lamongan can complete the General Guidelines for the Preparation of Thesis preparation of the thesis includes a general rule , guide of thesis writing , thesis typing techniques and guidance techniques thesis . This book contains guidance for students , especially for those who trod the stages of thesis writing . Besides, the book is also a Supervisor grip to provide guidance to students who are guided .

This handbook was made in accordance with the scope of the Faculty of Economics with reference to the rules of thesis writing . However, it is possible there are still some drawbacks . Therefore , all suggestions and input from all parties are always expected to repair and perfected .

To all those who participated for the realization of this Handbook we thank you .


Pekanbaru , June 15, 2013

Economic Fakulatas

University of Riau


Examples Preface latest 2013 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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