Saturday, November 23, 2013

Know the Human Kidney

      Know the Human Kidney - Have you ever seen a kidney ? What do you know about kidneys ? The kidneys filter blood is a tool that looks like a peanut . Human kidney consists of 2 pieces . Kidney length between 10 to 15 cm , weighing approximately 200 grams , is located at the rear of the abdominal cavity and slightly upward near the spine . The position of the left kidney is higher than the right side kidney . Just above the right kidney there is a heart that occupy much space .

The kidneys filter the blood as much as 1,500 liters per day , so there are some substances that must be removed by means of spending . Do you know what substances are excreted through the kidneys ? Urea , ammonia , and water excreted through the kidneys in the form of urine . Urine produced in one day approximately 1.5 liters . What do you know about urea , ammonia , and water ? You can explain it after studying the following discussion .

a. urea
Urea is formed by the liver from the blood protein is not required . Urea nitrogen consists of substances that are toxic to the blood so it should be discarded . This disposal process called excretion .

b . ammonia
Ammonia is the result of an overhaul of the protein . These compounds are harmful to the body so it must be issued regularly through the process of excretion .

c . water
Water is very important in the process of metabolism , but if the amount is too excessive water will make the blood concentration becomes constant . To that end , the excess water must be removed in order to balance the blood concentration is maintained. This process is called osmoregulation .

Kidney encased by a thin membrane called the renal capsule is composed of fibrous tissue . Kidney is divided into three sections . The outside of the kidney is the renal cortex of the kidney or skin , the second part is the kidney marrow or cord , and the third part is a form of kidney or renal cavity . You can understand the parts of the kidney by studying the following description .

Human kidney cross section

skin kidney
The kidney is called the renal cortex skin . The renal cortex is composed of cells of the kidney or nephron totaling approximately one million cells . Inside there is a leather kidney Malpighian body consisting of the glomerulus and Bowman 's capsule . Do you know the meaning of the glomerulus and Bowman 's capsule ? The glomerulus is a collection of smooth or woven branches capillary blood vessels in the cortex , whereas the Bowman 's capsule is a layer that surrounds the glomerulus , shaped like a cup and a double-walled . In cortical blood filtration occurs .

Know the Human Kidney

kidney marrow
Kidney marrow called Medulla . Renal medulla conical or pyramid . Medulla is a gathering place of the capillary blood vessels Bowman's capsule . In the medulla will happen reabsorption process and augmentation by the proximal tubule and distal tubule . Curved Henle are also part of the proximal tubule that connects the distal tubule .

Do you know the process of formation of urine ? The formation of urine occurs in the kidney . The process of urine formation is as follows .
The blood carries the remains of the metabolism of proteins will enter the kidneys through the blood vessels leading to the glomerulus .
In the event of glomerular filtration occurs against substances that are dissolved in the blood . Substances that can pass through the glomerular filter substances which are small bermolekul , such as water , salt , ammonia , urea , and sugar , then such substances called filtranglomerulus .
Filtranglomerulus entry into the Bowman's capsule and accommodated . Filtraglomerulus then will be forwarded to the proximal tubule .

In the proximal tubule reabsorption will occur to substances that are still required , namely water , salt , and sugar . While other substances that are not absorbed or not absorbed will be the primary urine .
Primary urine into the distal tubules and augmentation will occur . Do you know what is meant by augmentation ? Augmentation is the addition of substances that are not necessary to the primary urine into the urine so that the secondary . Urine Urine is actually secondary .
Secondary accommodated in the tubular urine kolekta , then forwarded to uriter and accommodated back in the bladder before expelled from the body through the urethra .

Have you ever thought that the urine that you spend each day containing metabolic waste substances ? Whether the substances contained in the urine ? Urine of healthy and sick people have different properties . In a healthy person the content of urine is as follows .
95 % water .
Urea , ammonia , and acid ureat which is the result of protein metabolism .
Mineral salts , especially salts (NaCl ) .
The dye bile ( bilirubin and biliverdin ) that cause yellow urine .
Excessive substances in the blood , such as hormones and vitamins .

At the hospital , the urine can be used as an indicator of the occurrence of disturbances in the body . Because every substance that is not used by the cells excreted through the urine . If the urine contained substances that are still useful , this means that there is damage to the glomeruli or tubules . Such damage can also lead to toxic substances going back into the body .

Know the Human Kidney Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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