Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jogja now: Travel Jogja - Jogja Tour Package

Jogja Tour Packages , Tours and Vacations Yogyakarta , Yogyakarta establishment originated from the Gianti Agreement on February 13, 1755 Date signed Dutch Company under the signature of Governor Nicholas Hartingh on behalf of the Governor -General Jacob Mossel . Fill Gianti Agreement : State of Mataram was divided in two: Half the Kingdom of Surakarta still be right , half again into Prince Mangkubumi rights . In the agreement also recognized Pengeran Mangkubumi be King over half the Inland Empire area of Java with a degree lane Senopati Ing Alega Abdul Rachman Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah .

As areas become power is Mataram ( Yogyakarta ) , Pojong , Sukowati , Bagelen , Kedu , plus local and foreign Bumigede namely ; Madiun , Magetan , Cirebon , Half Pacitan , Kartosuro , Kalangbret , vBulletin , Mojokerto , Bojonegoro , Ngawen , Sela , Kuwu , Wonosari , Grobogan .
After completion of the Regional Distribution Agreement , which holds Pengeran Mangkubumi lane I soon established that the Regional Mataram is in power it is given a name and is capitalized in Ngayogyakarta Ngayogyakarta ( Yogyakarta ) . This provision announced on March 13, 1755 . of news - it.com

The place chosen to be the capital and administrative center of the forest is called Banyan , where there has been a small village called Pachetokan , while there are a rest house named Garjitowati , made ​​by His Majesty Pakubowono II first and the name was later changed to Ayodya . After the determination of the above announced , lane immediately ordered to the people of the forest membabad established earlier for the Palace .

Before the palace was finished , the lane I deign guest house occupies Ambarketawang Limestone area , which is in the works as well . The official rest house occupied on October 9, 1755 . From this place he always supervise and regulate the construction of the palace that is being done .

Jogja now: Travel Jogja - Jogja Tour Package Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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