Sunday, December 8, 2013

Too Night Sleep, Causes Liver Cancer Risk

The doctors at the National Taiwan Hospital recently shocked the world of medicine since the discovery of the case of a 37-year -old young doctor who has been very trusting the results of liver function tests ( SGOT , SGPT ) , but it turns out positive note with liver cancer
10 cm long !

So far, almost all the people are dependent upon the index of liver function tests ( Liver Function Index ) . They think if the inspection result normal index means all OK . This kind of misunderstanding was also performed by many specialists . Absolutely shocking !

The doctors are supposed to provide the right knowledge to the general public , it has no knowledge benar.Pencegahan liver cancer should be done the right way . There is no other way except to detect and treat it as early as possible , so the doctor said Hsu Chin Chuan . But ironically , it turns out doctors who deal with liver cancer can also have a wrong view , even misleading the public , this is why the biggest cause of liver cancer is difficult to cure .

Currently there are patients who complain that Hsu doctors over the last month often experience abdominal pain and lost weight very much . After examination of new supersound found some very large liver cancer , nearly 80 % of the liver ( liver ) had eaten out.

The patient was very shocked , " How is it possible ? Last year a new medical check - up and the results were all normal . How is it possible only within a relatively short 1 year of liver cancer can grow so large ? "

It turns out the check - up is done only to check liver function . Test results also showed "normal " . Liver function tests are one of the most careful examination of the items known by the public . But these items are also the most widely misunderstood by the public .

In general, people think that if the results of the index liver function tests showed normal numbers mean there is no problem with the heart . But this view resulted in the emergence of sad stories because of the loss of opportunity to detect early-stage cancer since .

Doctor Hsu said , AST and ALT is an enzyme that is most prevalent in the liver cells . When there is inflammation of the liver or because one or the other reasons that the liver cells die , the AST and ALT will run out . This causes the content of AST and ALT in the blood increases .

But no increase in numbers does not mean AST and ALT liver hardening does not occur or absence of liver cancer . For many people with liver inflammation , liver inflammation condition although they have stopped , but in the liver ( liver ) they have formed fibers and hardening of the liver .

With the formation of liver stiffness , then it would be easier to liver cancer arises . In addition , in the early stages of liver cancer , liver index also will not increase . Because the cancer growth period , only the cells surrounding the attack so damaged and die . Because the damage is just a small scale then the number AST and ALT may still be within normal limits . Say ride was not going to happen high rise . But because many people who do not understand this so that the result there was a lot of sad stories .

The main causes of liver damage are :
1 . Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause .
2 . Do not defecate in the mornings .
3 . A diet that is too excessive
4 . Grilled meat , satay , and fried / unhealthy cooking oil . As much as possible reduce cooking oil use for frying food , it includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil .
5 . Fried dishes should be eaten right away , not stored .
6 . Do not eat breakfast .
7 . Too much consumption of drugs or even drugs .
8 . Consuming too much preservatives, additives ( flavorings ) , coloring, and artificial sweetener .
9 . Consuming raw or cooked ½ ripe .
10 . Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke .

We should prevent this without having to incur additional costs . Simply set lifestyle and diet everyday . Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very necessary for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to " schedule " .

cause :
1 . Pk evenings 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Time for disposal of these substances is not useful / toxic (detoxification ) in the antibody system ( lymph nodes ) . This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music ( even better when it is sleeping ) . If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this can impact negatively on health .
2 . Evening 23:00 PM - 1:00 early morning
Time during the detoxification process in the liver , should take place in a deep sleep state .
3 . Early morning 1:00 to 3:00
Time to de- toxification process in the gall , also takes place in a deep sleep state .
4 . Early morning 3:00 to 5:00 a.m.
Time to de - toxification in the lungs , because it will be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time . Because the process of cleansing (detoxification ) had reached the respiratory tract , then no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process .. For smokers with imperfect cleaning is taking place .
5 . Pk morning 5:00 to 07:00
Time to de - toxification in the colon, you should defecate .
6 . Pk morning 7:00 to 09:00
Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, should eat breakfast . For people who are sick should be earlier, before 06.30 . Breakfast before 07.30 is very good for those who want to maintain their health . For those who do not eat breakfast hope to change this habit , even still better late breakfast until at 9-10 than not eating at all .

conclusion :
Sleeping too late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of disposal of substances that are not useful . In addition , from midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood .

For this reason, a good night's sleep and do not stay up !

Specification ;
SGOT ( Serum Glutamic Pyruvate transaminase ) is an enzyme found in the liver cells . Its function is to convert the compound into aspartate and oxaloacetate and glutamate alfaketoglutarat , and vice versa . SGOT is also called aspartate aminotransferase or AST .

SGPT ( Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic transaminase ) is also an enzyme present in the liver cells . Its function is to assist the transfer of the amino group of alanine to alfaketoglutarat . Another name is the ALT ALT or alanine aminotransferase .

Too Night Sleep, Causes Liver Cancer Risk Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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