Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Reading tastes Style of Writing Sex Male hands

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Si He preferred to dominate or even tend to be shy , huh ? Find out only through his writings .
Believe it or not , matters of the bed plays an important role in the relationship and marital communication . Because of your bedroom , problems can be resolved or even more worse . That is , matters of the bed is as important as verbal communication that could cause or resolve 90 percent of the problem .
Of course , knowing the intimate style favored Si He is very important . Because intercourse is a means of expressing love and comfort each other and create mutual acceptance . If it is nurtured well , your relationship and Si He will be harmonious .

Well , the first principle that we have to realize is , "Give me that he likes , then you will get what you like . " The second principle , " Do not be shy and embarrassed to inform the partner about intimate style that can make you satisfied " .
In this case , graphology can help you " stole " in recognizing the desired style of intimate partner . Prove it , he would be surprised !

1 . Posts with a large font size and length of the bottom of the posts
If your partner has a kind of writing like this , it is the expressive and have great physical energy . You also need to be fit and did not hesitate to express yourself , you know!
He also enjoys the dominating . So , follow the style he wanted . Like the tango , let Si He guides you in bed . This will be her happy . Once again , prepare your physical stamina in bed , yes !

2 . Writing letters to the top of the high , the middle part is small, and the length of the bottom
Well , be prepared with a myriad of fantasy and creative imagination . You also need to diligently read magazines or books that discuss the creative forces in sexual intercourse . In addition , note the style of dress and occasionally arose with an unusual style of dress you wear . Because the Si He will be more excited when I saw you dressed in the style of " adult " with striking colors .

3 . Posts with the center of the large , rounded shape of the letters , and the top of the letter "a " is open
Couple with this type of writing such an intimate relationship with fond start chatting . So , start with light conversation , then start moves toward him and whispered to her expectations . The promptings will make it very convenient . Also, do not forget to whisper perceived response and praise Him Si if you feel satisfied .

4 . Posts with a small font size and spacing width
You have to work harder when writing your partner like this . The reason he tends to be less expressive and not easy for him to start first. So , you have to start first.
If you do not take the initiative , it will not start . Loss , is not it? So do not hesitate deliberately teased Si He was rather difficult to get started but this type is very affectionate and tend to follow whatever you desire . So be prepared to be a " mentor " , yes !

3 Signs vigilant
After recognizing the intimate style Si Him , you should be aware of a few signs :

1 . When writing your partner a thin pressure , it indicates he is not motivated or physical condition is not good . So , pay attention to his diet and make sure he is getting enough rest .

2 . Hook or elbow at the bottom of his writing indicates he was angry and sometimes being rude to you . Try to keep it soft and lower prevailing tone of your voice . Because the Si He just temporary anger and tenderness you will break them .

3 . Baseline writing is not stable or declining signifies your partner being pessimistic and anxious . Find out lovemaking style that fits him so that he is more optimistic .
Good luck and I hope your relationship more harmonious and Si Him .

Reading tastes Style of Writing Sex Male hands Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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