Sunday, November 17, 2013

understanding protists

                 Protists are unicellular eukaryotic organisms that live solitary or in colonies . Protists can be classified into animal like protists ( protozoa ) , plant-like protists ( algae ) and fungi like protists ( slime mold / mold slame ) . Body style is very diverse protist groups of organisms . Protists have a way of eating that is different, and can be classified into three categories :

1 . Autototrof protists , which are protists have chlorophyll so that they can photosynthesize . For example : Algae
2 . Protists ingest food , by way of phagocytosis through the cell membrane . For example : Protozoa
3 . Saprophyte and parasite protists , digest food outside the cell and absorb the juices of the food . Example : mushrooms

1 . Similar Animal protists ( protozoa )

                 Protozoa derived from the Greek meaning first and Zoon Protos means animals . Protozoa are single-celled animals called ( unicellular ) . All the activities of life carried by the cell itself through the organelles that are analogous to the function of organ systems in multicellular animals ( metazoans ) .

The characteristics of Protozoa
1 ) Body size ranging from 10 micron - 6 mm
2 ) Shape protozoa varies the asymmetric , symmetric bilateral , symmetrical radial and spiral
3 ) Move to the flagella , pseudopodia , cilia or with cell movement itself
4 ) How to free her , komensalisme , mutualism , parasitic
5 ) How to get the food can be divided into : holozoik , saprophyte , saprozoik , holozoik
6 ) Habitat in watery places , such as in ditches , fields , ditches , rivers , etc. .

                                                            classification of Protozoa

Based on the tool motion protozoa are divided into 5 classes:

1 ) flagellates or Mastigophora ( Greek , mastix : whip , shaft : carry )

         Generally live in water , some live parasites in animals and humans . Flagellates have a fixed shape . Reproduce asexually by binary fission and sexually by the conjugation method . Based on the presence or absence of chlorophyll flagellates class is divided into two kinds:

a. Fitoflagellata
- Flagellates are able to perform photosynthesis due to its chromatophores
- Habitat in the waters clean and dirty water
- Examples : Euglena ( have chlorophyll ) , Euglena sanguinea ( having pigment phycoerythrin / red ) , Volvox globator ( live in colonies ) , Noctiluca miliaris ( give off light at night ) .

b . Zooflagellata / dinoflagellate
- Do not have chlorophyll , so are heterotrophic
- Generally live as parasites in animals and humans
- For example :

Diseases caused by species name :

  • Tripanosoma levisi blood parasites in mice
  • Tripanosoma cruci cagas cause disease ( anemia children )
  • Tripanosoma evansi Surrah sick , vector flies tabanidae
  • Tripanosoma brucei nagano disease in cattle
  • Tripanosoma gabiense sleeping sickness, the tsetse fly vector ( G , palpalis )
  • Tripanosoma rhodosiense sleeping sickness, the tsetse fly vector ( G , palpalis )
  • Tripanosoma vaginalis in vaginal discharge
  • Leishmania donovani kalaazar
  • Leishmania tropical skin diseases

2 ) ciliate / Ciliophora / Infusuria

              Is the largest class of protozoa . Ciliate is vibrating furry animals . Cilia function to move . Catch food and to receive stimuli from the environment . Many in the watery habitat . Have a fixed shape and fixed , and oval . Some examples of the ciliate class :
Paramecium caudatum

o Called animal slippers
o Habitat in watery places , rice paddies , swamps
o Has two kinds of nuclei are micronucleus to reproductive and physiological processes makronukleus to help others
o Has two kinds , namely vacuole food vacuole serves to help digest food and contractile vacuole serves to remove residual liquid food
o Lurk in two ways , namely by means of vegetative and generative binary fission by conjugation

Nyctoterus ovalis ( live cockroach intestines , oval shaped like Paramecium sp
- Many are found on the leaf surface submerged in water
- Shaped like a snail
Balantidium coli ( habitat in the human colon )
Stentor ( like a trumpet shape , sessile , habitats in paddy fields )
Vorticella ( like a bell shape , sessile )
Didium ( prey of Paramecium sp )

3 ) Rhizopoda / Sarcodina

                   Move and capture prey using artificial legs ( there are two kinds of lobodia and filopodia ) . Free life in the sea and fresh water . Multiply by binary splitting . Examples are:

Amoeba sp

Constantly changing shape
Freshwater habitats in
Cell nucleus is used to manage all the activities that take place in cells
Having a food vacuole and contractile vacuole
Reproduction by binary fission

Another example :
Description of species names :

  • Entamoeba histolytica in the human intestine , causes dysentery amoeba
  • Entamoeba coli in the human large intestine , causing diarrhea
  • Entamoeba gingivalis in the tooth cavities , tooth decay and gum
  • Arcella sp Having outer skeleton , found in freshwater
  • Having Difflugia delicate membranes , so that the sand can stick
  • Foraminifera outside the framework of lime
  • Radiolarians outer framework of grit

4 ) Sporozoa ( spores : seeds , zoon : animal )

             Berspora Sporozoa are animals , not having locomotor , moving by changing body position . Nearly all of these species are parasitic . Reproduction in two ways , namely : vegetative ( schizogojni / the division takes place in the host's body and sporogoni / create spores that took place in the intermediate host's body ) and generative ( through the fusion that occurs in the mosquito's body ) . Sporozoa examples :

a) Plasmodium vivax , the cause of tertian malaria , sporulation period ( 2x24 ) or every 48 hours .
b ) Plasmodium malariae , causing malaria quartana , sporulation past 72 hours
c ) falcifarum Plasmodium , the cause of tropical malaria , sporulation period ( 1 - 2x24 )
d ) Plasmodium ovale , causing spleen disease , sporulation period ( 2x24 ) , not found in Indonesia
Plasmodium life cycle

Inventor of the Plasmodium life cycle Laveran and Grassi
Female Anopheles mosquito vector
Experienced two phases , namely :
a. Generative phase , occurs in the body of the malaria mosquito
Scheme : ---- fertilization zygote ---- ookinet ---- oocyst ---- sporozoid

b . Vegetative phase , occurs in humans fell two places, namely :

a) In the heart ( called eksoeritrositik )
Scheme : sporozoid ---- schizont erytozoik ---- merozoites eryptozoik
b ) In the Blood ( eritrositik )
Scheme : tropozoit ---- young ---- schizont mature schizont ---- merozoites ---- makrogamet / mikrogamet

2 . Similar protists Plants ( Algae )

In the 5 kingdom system , not the name of algal taxa and are not included in the kingdom Plantae . Algae into the protist kingdom , because it has the characteristics of the body is composed of one or many cells , which do not differentiate to form specialized tissues . Based contains algae pigments are distinguished widened 6 phyla , namely :

1 ) Phylum Euglenophyta
Live in fresh water , in the soil and moisture . Have similar characteristics of animals and plants . Considered like an animal because no cell walls , move freely and speckled eyes . Similar plants because it has chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids for photosynthesis .
Examples Euglena
a. Freshwater habitats , eg in the fields or other stagnant water
b . Oval cell shape , there are spots or stigma eye to differentiate light dark
c . Have one flagellum at the mouth of the cell
d . How to eat with photosynthesis and consuming organic substances
e . Multiply by binary fission

2 ) Phylum Green Algae ( Chlorophyta )
Chlorophyta generally live in fresh water ( 90 % ) and at sea ( 10 % ) . Chlorophyll pigments have a, b , carotenes and xantofil , chloroplasts have bentukseperti spiral , bowls , slabs , balls . Celled bodies such as threads , such as sheets and higher plants . Vegetative reproduction by binary fission , fragmentation thread / colony , formation of zoospores and generative manner conjugation , fertilization . How to live with autotrophs and symbiosis with fungi to form lichens .
example Chlorophyta
Unicellular Chlorophyta not move

a) Habitat in fresh water , sea water and damp areas
b ) Shape round cells with chloroplasts such as bowls
c ) Used metabolism in laboratory investigations
d ) Act as well as medicines , foodstuffs and cosmetics

a) a single -celled , freshwater habitats , and damp soil
b ) Shape ovoid cells , with the chloroplasts such as bowls
c ) Reproduction by forming zoospores
Unicellular Chlorophyta can move

a) ovoid shape , such as bowl equipped with chloroplasts and pirenoid stigma ( center formation of starch )
b ) Have 2 flagella as locomotor
c ) There are 2 contractile vacuole
d ) Vegetative reproduction by zoospores and generative form by conjugation / isogami
Chlorophyta shaped colony do not move

a) Habitat in fresh water , the mesh -shaped colonies , vegetative reproduction by zoospores and fragmentation , generative reproduction by conjugation .
b ) It can be observed with the naked eye
Chlorophyta shaped colonies can move

Volvox globator
a) Habitat in freshwater , spherical colonies , each cell has two flagella
b ) Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation and generative reproduction by conjugation
Filamentous Chlorophyta

a) Habitat in fresh water , such as ribbon spiral chloroplasts and a nucleus
b ) Reproduction by fragmentation and generative generative by conjugation
a) in freshwater habitats and sessile , such as nets and each chloroplast cells have a nucleus
b ) Vegetative reproduction by forming zoozpora berflagel lot and generative way

Chlorophyta shaped sheet
Ulva lactuva
a) Life attached to wood or rocks
b ) Habitat in saltwater and brackish water
c ) Vegetative reproduction by forming zoospores berflagel four and generative way anisogami

a) Habitat in freshwater and marine , menempell on cobblestones
b ) Form talusnya like higher plants
c ) Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation and generative with fertilization

3 ) Golden Algae Phylum ( Chrysophyceae )

Consists of unicellular or multicellular algae . Divided into three main classes , namely :
a) Class - yellow -green algae ( Xanthophyceae )
o owned by the chlorophyll pigments ( green ) and xantofil ( yellow )
o Vegetative reproduction forming zoospores , generative with fertilization
o For example : Vaucheria sp
b ) Class - golden brown algae ( chrysopyceae )
o that belongs chlorophyll pigments ( green ) and carotenoids ( pigments golden ) , the result of photosynthesis is stored in the form of carbohydrates and Oil
o there is a unicellular body , for example : Ochromonas are some are multicellular Contonya Synura
c ) Class of diatoms ( Bacillariophyceae )
o Many found in the wet ground , there is a unicellular body and colonize
o The walls are composed of two parts , namely the box ( hipoteka ) and cap ( epiteka )
o Examples : Navicula , Pinnularia , Cyclofella

4 ) Algae Phylum Fire ( Pyrrophyta )

a) Also called dinoflagellates , a body composed of cells and cell walls , can be actively engaged , in marine habitats are phosphorescence ( emit light )
b ) Next to the outside there are gaps or grooves , each containing a single flagellum
c ) the pigment chlorophyll and yellowish brown , for example Peridium

5 ) Phylum Brown Algae ( Phaeophyta )

a) Shaped like higher plants , most of whom live in the sea . Attached to his body on the rocks , while floating on the surface talusnya
b ) fikosantin pigment , chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c , violaxantin , b - carotene , diadinoxantin
c ) in the form of food reserves stored in pirenoid lamirin , space between cells in the cell wall contains alginic acid ( Algin )
d ) Vegetative reproduction and zoospore berflagel fragmentation , generative manner or isogami Oogami
e ) Examples Sargassum muticum ( sea weed ) , Fucus serratus , Macrocystis pyrifera ( giant algae ) , Turbinaria decurrens

6 ) Phylum Rosy Algae ( Rhodophyta )

Mostly in marine habitats ( sea grass ) and a small portion in freshwater
Pigment chlorophyll a, b and phycoerythrin , carotene
Vegetative reproduction and generative form tetraspora by Oogami
For example : Carollina . , Palmaria , Batrachospermum moniliforme , Gelidium ( agar- agar) , Gracilaria , Euchema ( cosmetics ) , Scinaia furcellata

Algae Benefits For Human Life '

a. Bibang fisheries ( as fish food is phytoplankton and zooplankton )
b . Agriculture ( fertilizer seaweed for coastal area )
c . Aquatic ecosystems ( as primary producers )
d . Industry ( diatomaceous earth for sandpaper , insulation , glass base material )
e . The basic ingredients of food : Gelidium ( agar- agar) , Chondrus ( chocolate drink ) , alginate ( a mixture of ice cream ) , Porphyra ( food )
f . Pharmaceuticals ingredients ( Chlorella )

3 . Similar protists fungi ( Fungi Protista )

Protists similar to fungi are not incorporated into the body structure and fungi have different reproductive manner . Protists fungi can be divided into two types namely :
a. Slime Mold phyla ( Myxomycota )
a) forest habitat in wet , rotting logs , moist soil , rotting wood
b ) Structure of the vegetative body shaped like a slime or plasmodium , is multinucleated and moves like Amoeba
c ) phase of his life there are two phases which animals ( phase -shaped plasmodium ) and plant phase ( phase plasmodium dries forming bodies stemmed fruit )
d ) Vegetative reproduction by adult plasmodium spores and spore smelting generative manner wanderer ( myxoflagella , have 1 core and 2 flagellum ) , which would form a zygote which later would form a plasmodium .

7 . Fungi phylum Air ( Oomycota )

a) hyphae are not partitioned , is senositik ( basically a lot ) , cell walls of cellulose
b ) Vegetative reproduction by forming zoospores , which has 2 flagella and generative fertilization manner that will form the zygote which grows into oospora.Contohnya : Saprolegnia ( parasites on fish eggs ) , Phytophthora ( parasitic on potato ) , Phytium ( cause rotten sprouts and root rot )

understanding protists Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

1 komentar:

  1. Most thallus plants are currently classified as complex protists. Actually some protists are considered to be the ancestors of multicellular plants, animals, and fungi. Alfa Chemistry
