Sunday, November 17, 2013

Metabolism In Human Body

The cell is the smallest unit of life , the cell can therefore run the activities of life , including metabolism . Metabolism is the chemical processes that occur in the living body / cell . Metabolism is also called the enzymatic reaction , because metabolism occurs constantly using enzyme catalyst . The cell is the smallest unit of life , the cell can therefore run the activities of life , including metabolism . Metabolism is the chemical processes that occur in the living body / cell . Metabolism is also called the enzymatic reaction , because metabolism occurs constantly using enzyme catalyst .

Based on the metabolic process is divided into 2 , namely :

1 . Anabolism / assimilation / Synthesis ,
the process pembentakan complex molecules using high energy . Example : photosynthesis ( assimilation C )
                           light energy
6 CO2 + 6 H2O ----------- > C6H1206 + 6 02

             chlorophyll glucose ( chemical energy )
On chloroplast transformation of energy occurs , ie of light energy as kinetic energy transformed into chemical energy as potential energy , in the form of organic compounds on glucose binding . With the help of enzymes , the process is quick and efficient . If a reaction requires heat energy in the form of reaction is called endergonic reaction . Such reactions are called endothermic reactions .

2 . Catabolism ( assimilated ) ,
ie the decomposition of a substance to release the chemical energy stored in organic compounds tersebut.Contoh :
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ----------- > 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 686 Kcal .

                                                                            chemical energy
When the molecules break down into smaller molecules that formed the release of heat energy . When the energy is released in a reaction , the reaction is called exergonic reaction . Such a reaction is called an exothermic reaction .

Enzymes are biokatalisator / organic catalyst produced by the cells . Enzyme structure consists of :
Apoenzyme , which is part of an enzyme that is composed of protein , which would be damaged if the temperature is too hot ( thermolabile ) .
Prosthetic groups ( cofactors ) , which is part of an enzyme that is not composed of protein , but of metal ions or organic molecules called Coenzyme . Prosthetic groups are smaller molecules and heat resistance heat ( thermostable ) , the metal ions act as a cofactor for the enzyme remains active stabilizers . Coenzyme famous in the electron transport chain ( cell respiration ) , the NAD ( Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ) , FAD ( Flavin adenine dinucleotide ) , cytochrome .
Enzymes regulate the speed and specificity of thousands of chemical reactions that take place in the cell . Although the enzyme is made in the cell , but to act as a catalyst does not have to be inside the cell . Reactions controlled by enzymes such as is respiration , growth and development , muscle contraction , photosynthesis , fixation , nitrogen , and digestion .
The properties of the enzyme

Biokatalisator , accelerate the reaction without being reacted .
Thermolabil ; easily broken , when heated over 60 ยบ C , due to enzymes ersusun of protein that has properties thermolabil .

Is a protein substance that remains attached to the protein nature of the enzyme .
Needed in small amounts , as biokatalisator , the reaction is very fast and can be used over and over again .
Works is that in the cell ( endoenzim ) and outside the cell ( ektoenzim ) , ektoenzim examples : amylase , maltase .

Enzymes catalyze reactions generally work in one direction , although there are also catalyze reactions in both directions, eg lipase , clicking - catalysis of formation and decomposition of fat .
Fat + H2O ----------- > fatty acids + Glycerol
Specific workings ; enzyme is specific , because the active part ( the surface of the substrate were attached ) symmetric only with certain substrate surface .
Generally, the enzyme can not work without the presence of a non- protein substances called cofactors added .

Metabolism In Human Body Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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