Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hormone System in Humans

          biology is a summary of the material that I kumpulin from various sources and now I'm stacking them neatly on my blog . Although now I'm not there anymore in my class to learn biology , , , but as a student who never like the same biology class I wrote the same bagiiin temen2 all ...

Hope can add teman2 knowledge and reference material so you ...

Hormones are chemical compounds , such as proteins that have a function to stimulate or activate the body's metabolic processes . With the hormones in the body organs will function better .
Based on the structure :
 The pituitary gland ( pituitary gland )
 epiphyseal gland
 The thyroid gland ( thyroid gland)
 parathyroid glands ( glands goiter )
 The thymus gland ( gland nut )
 adrenal gland ( adrenal glands ) .
 gland Langerhans ( pancreas ) .
 Intestinal and gastric glands
 sex glands ( Gonal ) :
a. Ovaries in the abdominal cavity .
b . Testes in the lower abdominal cavity .


1 . The pituitary gland ( pituitary gland )
The pituitary gland is located in the middle part of the bone between tursika wedge of bone , about 1 cm in diameter and consists of :

1 ) anterior pituitary lobe , the hormone that is produced :
a. Tirotrofin , function : thyroid stimulating .
b . Kortikotrofon , function : stimulates the adrenal glands.
c . Gonadotrofin divided into two , namely follicle stimulating hormone stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles and ( in women ) and stimulates the growth of the formation of sperm ( in men ) . While Peluteiman berfunfgsi hormone stimulates ovulation and corpus on the production of progesterone and estrogen ( in women ) and stimulates cells in the interstital testes ( in men ) .

2 ) Posterior Pituitary Lobe , a hormone that huge market :
a. Vasopressin , controls the water levels in the body and blood through the absorption of water by tubulos convoluted , thus preventing the formation of urine in quantities much .
b . Oxytocin , serves to stimulate uterine smooth muscle contraction is essential within the process of birth .

3 ) Lobe Pituitary Intermedia
In humans , this hormone is unclear function . ( Hehehe I also do not taju ? ? ? ! ! ! Myspace hopefully can do further research ^ _ ^ )

2 . epiphyseal gland
This gland is located in the upper brain . However, it is not known with certainty and the resulting hormone functions.

3 . Thyroid gland
This gland is a gland that is rich in blood vessels and a pair of glands located side by side around the neck . Hormone is derived :
a. And thyroxine ( T4 ) triiodothyronine ( T3 ), which controls the metabolism of carbohydrate , affects mental development , influence the growth , development and cell differentiation , and affect the nervous system activity .
b . Calsitonin serves to reduce levels of Ca ( Calcium ) and regulate blood kalcium absorption by the bones .

4 . parathyroid glands
These glands are glands attached to the thyroid gland . Each has a pair of Thyroid gland Parathyroid glands , so that all are 4 parathyroid glands . The resulting hormone is PTH ( parathormone ) which controls the metabolism of calcium and phosphate and control of bone formation .

5 . thymus gland
This hormone is produced during the growth period until puberty , after passing mas puberty , this hormone will gradually diminish little by little . Located on the sternum and regulates the growth , immune / immunity after birth and spur the growth and maturation of lymphocytes that produce lymphocyte cell / T cell .

6 . adrenal gland
This gland is located above the kidneys and composed into two parts :
a. Part cortex ( outer ) , Cortisone is a hormone produced and Deoksikortiso that function affects the absorption process .
b . Part medulla ( inside ) , Adrenaline is a hormone produced which functions convert glycogen into glucose and blood vessels thereby increasing blood pressure .

7 . Langerhans gland
This gland is located in the pancreas , the hormone produced insulin which controls glucose levels in the blood and helps the conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liver and muscles . This gland is also a function yielding Glucagon increases blood sugar levels and changing glycogen into glucose in glycolysis events .

8 . Colon and gastric glands
a. Intestine , a hormone that is produced which serves to stimulate spending sekretin sap Kolesistekinin functioning pancreas and bile stimulate spending .
b . Stomach , Gastrin is a hormone produced the expenditure stimulate gastric function .

9 . gonad
This gland consists of two parts :
a. Male sex glands , located on testis.Hormon Testosterone is produced which controls the secondary sexual characteristics and maintain spermatogenesis .
b . Female sex glands , located on the ovaries . Estrogen is a hormone produced showing that serves the secondary sex characteristics of a woman , pregnancy Progesterone works by preparing the uterine walls thicken and maintain the mammary glands to produce milk and Relaxin , which help the labor process in muscle contraction .

Hormone System in Humans Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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