Monday, November 18, 2013


                   Culture can be defined as cultivate techniques that network into the intact organism and has properties similar to the parent . Tissue culture is one way to augment the vegetative crops . Augment the tissue culture technique by isolating the crop plants such as leaves, buds , as well as the portions grow in artificial media aseptically nutrition and nutrient -rich growing regulator in a closed container until translucent able to multiply the crops themselves and generations to be complete plants . Tissue culture is a set of activities performed to make the plant ( roots , shoots , network growing crops ) grow into strong plants ( perfect ) dikondisi in vitro ( in glass ) .

Profit from tissue culture more conscientiously place , time-saving , and plant tissue culture are augmented with equal or uniform in nature with its parent . Examples of plants that are commonly augmented by tissue culture is the orchid plant . Tissue culture methods developed to help increase crop , especially for crops that are generative dikembangbiakkan confidential . Seedlings produced from tissue culture has several advantages , among others : has properties identical to its parent , can be produced in large numbers until not too requires a broad , capable of producing seeds with a large amount in a short time , health and quality of seeds over security, speed seedlings grow faster than the conventional multiplication .

                   Policy tissue culture technique is that cells have properties of plant cell totipotensi namely the ability to grow and form a complete plant in aseptic medium wherein is nutrient elements and substances suitable growth regulator .
Levels are done in crop multiplication by tissue culture techniques are :
Manufacturing media .
Initiation is taking explant from the plant will be higher. Plant parts are often used for tissue culture activities are buds .
Sterilization is that all activity in tissue culture should be performed in a sterile , that in laminar flow and use the tools that are also sterile . Sterilization is also done on equipment , that uses ethanol sprayed evenly on the equipment used . Technicians who perform well should be sterile tissue culture .
Multiplication is expanding the activities of candidate crops to plant explant on media . These activities are performed in a laminar flow to avoid contamination caused the failure of the availability of explant growth . The reaction tube was planted explant is placed on the shelves and placed in a sterile room temperature .
Rooting is the phase in which the explant will indicate a root growth that characterized the tissue culture process from running well done . Observations made ​​each day to see the growth and development of roots and to see any contamination by bacteria or fungi .
Acclimatization is transfer activity aseptic explant out of the room into the furrows . Transfer done carefully and gradually , that is to provide mulch .

Basic Principles of Network Culture

Tissue culture containing two clear policy principles , namely:

a. Planting material totipotensi

The concept is absolutely no basis in the implementation of cultural activities with the network because only the nature of this totipotensi used organ tissue cells will be able to grow and develop appropriate direction and purpose in vitro cultivation is done . However , the nature totipotensi greater part owned by a young and many are found in the meristem region . The temporary plant materials used in tissue culture activities and often proven to grow and develop are:
Cells, usually grown in suspension with a predetermined density .
Protoplast , usually are grown in a predetermined shape .
Meristem network , the network is grown usually in the form of deductions available to districts organ - growth area .
Callus , callus grown in cell mass that has not usually grown in modal terdeferensiasi and induction media for callus growth .
Organs, the most common material in tissue culture activities .

b . Raising the restrained

Totipotensi material properties alone are not sufficient for the success of tissue culture activities . The underlying principle of restrained cultivation include:
Situation where growing media
Within the influence
permissibility of sterilization
Kuljar technique in vitro , a number of conditions with basic principles that should be known kuljar among others :
Choosing a good explant

                  To get a good explant and easy to grow, choose the organ still be meristematic
Use of the match . Media commonly used for the manufacture of pure kuljar is PDA .
Aseptic conditions . Aseptic conditions include explant sterilization , media , tools , sterile space and cultural space ( entkas / special place to plant explant into the medium ) .
Good air arrangements

PLANT TISSUE CULTURE Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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