Saturday, November 23, 2013

Human Respiratory Organs

Human respiratory organs which will be discussed here include the nose , throat and lungs . Breathing is a very important process for humans . In this process there is an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment . Before discussing further the respiratory system , will be described first few organs that play a role in the respiratory system . You certainly have to know what are the organs that play a role in the process of breathing . Can you mention in sequence starting from the outermost part ? So that you may better understand , learn the following descriptions .

1 . nose
The nose is a respiratory organ that is located at the outside . Humans inhale air through the nose . On the surface of the nasal cavity are tiny hairs and mucous membranes that serve to filter incoming air from dust or other objects . Occur in the nasal cavity temperature and humidity adjustment so that the air entering the lungs is not too dry or too lembap.Udara free not only oxygen , but also other gases . For example , carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , sulfur ( S ) , and nitrogen ( N2 ) . These gases come inhaled , but only oxygen that can bind to the blood . In addition to the respiratory organs , the nose is also a very sensitive sense of smell . With this capability , people can avoid inhaling toxic gases or foul-smelling that may contain bacteria and other disease materials . Of the nasal cavity , the air will then flow into the throat .

The structure of the nose

2 . throat
Throat is part of the respiratory organs . Throat in the form of a pipe that starts from the base tengorokan ( larynx ) , windpipe ( trachea ) , and the branches of the windpipe ( bronchi ) . A. The base of the throat ( larynx )
After passing through the nose , the air enters the larynx ( larynx ) through the pharynx . The pharynx is located in the upstream of the throat and is the junction between the esophagus and oral cavity to the nasal cavity to the throat . After going through the larynx , the air then headed into the windpipe ( trachea ) . At the windpipe there is a valve epiglottis . This valve works by opening when breathing or speaking and closes during swallowing food . The existence of these valves , the air will get into the lungs and the food will go to the stomach . We do not eat while talking , it can result in the food into the lungs and throat . Therefore , avoid eating while talking . In the larynx , below the epiglottis , vocal cords are . When air passes through the vocal cords , vocal cords vibrate and produce sound . This happens when you speak .

b . Trunk throat ( trachea )
Windpipe made ​​up of rings of cartilage and is located in front of the esophagus . Trachea extends from the neck to the upper chest cavity . In the chest cavity , the trachea forked . Each branch enters the right lung and left lung .

c . Branch Trunk Throat ( bronchi )
Branches of the windpipe ( bronchi ) is a branch of the trachea . Bronchus is divided into two , namely the lungs that leads to the right and left lungs . Bronchi branch off again towards the bronchioles . Each branch ends in a bubble lungs or alveoli . Alveoli is where the oxygen diffusion into the blood . Therefore , alveolar wall contains many blood capillaries .

3 . Lungs
Do you know where the lungs ? The lungs are located in the chest cavity . Between the chest cavity and abdominal cavity there is a barrier called the diaphragm . Delimiter is not just limiting , but also play a role in the process of lung pernapasan.Paru lung is divided into right and left lungs . Lung is basically a branch line that ends bubbly . The Gelembunggelembung called alveoli ( singular : alveolus ) . This is actually happening in the alveoli exchange gases . Right lung consists of three parts of the left lung , while only two hemispheres . Right lung is bigger than the left . To be more clear , consider the cross-sectional images by you following the human respiratory system .

Human Respiratory Organs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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