Sunday, November 17, 2013

Definition of Kingdom Protista

             Kingdom Protista is a kingdom that anggotaanya very diverse eukaryotic include all living things ( essentially having membrane / membrane core ) are mostly single-celled ( unicellular ) to many -celled ( multicellular ) simple / no cell differentiation .

Protists are grouped into three major groups :

Animal like protists ( protozoa )
Plant-like protists ( algae / algae )
Protists like fungi ( slime mold / mildew and water )

By way of obtaining food , protists are grouped into:
Autototrof protists , which are protists have chlorophyll so that it can make its own food through photosynthesis . Photosynthesis is the process of formation of organic compounds from inorganic compounds using light energy . For example : Algae / algae
Heterotrophic protists , the protist that can not make their own food so requires organic food from its environment . by way of :
Phagocytosis , the process of consuming other living things ( eg, bacteria ) by entering the living creatures that eat into the cell . For example : Protozoa
Protists saprophyte and parasite , saprophyte digest organic food means outside the cell from the remains of living things that have died and the parasite means to absorb the juices of its host food from living things . Example : mushrooms
Next we discuss the three groups of protists in more detail starting from the simplest :

 Similar protists Fungus

Protists similar to fungi are not incorporated into the body structure and fungi have different reproductive manner . Reproduction protists fungi like mushrooms / fungi , but the movement of the vegetative phase like amoeba . Although lacking chlorophyll , fungal membrane structure is similar to algae . Protists fungi can be divided into two types namely :

a. Myxomycota ( Mushroom Slime )
Forest habitat in wet , rotting logs , moist soil , weathered wood . Examples of this fungus is Dictyostelium discoideum .
Phase of life there are two phases which animals ( phase -shaped plasmodium ) and plant phase ( phase plasmodium dries forming bodies stemmed fruit )

Vegetative body structure shaped like a slime called plasmodium , which is a mass of cytoplasm and multinucleated ameboid move like amoeba term . and obtain food by phagocytes ( insert food into the cells and digested food in the cells on the so-called food vacuoles ) .

the vegetative phase / plasmodium can reproduce vegetatively by binary fission ( the splitting into two plasmodium plsmodium )
If it has grown to where the plasmodium will dry and form fruit bodies ( fruiting bodies) will form the next fruit bodies sporangium ( spore case ) . The ripe sporangium spores will burst and scattered by the wind .
Spores that germinate to form gametes which are haploid cells , and these gamete cells do singami . Singami is the fusion of two gametes are the same shape and size ( which can not be distinguished males and females ) . Remelting be of zygotes and zygote grow into plasmodium back .

b . Oomycota ( water molds )
Habitat in damp / water
Fungal hyphae have water that is not insulated ( senositik )
The cell walls of cellulose
Vegetative reproduction by forming zoospores with two flagella to swim .
Generative reproduction by fertilization that will form the zygote which grows into oospore .

For example :
Saprolegnia ( parasites on fish eggs )
Phytophthora ( parasitic on potato )
Phytium ( cause rotten sprouts and root rot )

Protozoa ( protists Similar Animals )

Protozoa derived from the Greek meaning first and Zoon Protos means animals . Protozoa are single-celled animals called ( unicellular ) . All the activities of life carried by the cell itself through existing organelles in cells that are functionally similar to the organ systems in multicellular animals ( metazoans ) .

Protozoa are single-celled animals ( unicellular )
Are eukaryotic / true core ( core is protected by a nuclear membrane ) so that the substance of the genetic / chromosomal separated by cytoplasm because nuclear membrane barrier ( caryotheca )
Cells do not have cell walls . but if the environment is less well able to form a thick protective layer called cysts / Cysta after good environment cyst rupture .
The size is between 3-1000 microns are microscopic organisms are heterotrophic, meaning that other organisms dependent food ( phagocytes , saprophyte or parasite )
His place is a wet rich organic substances , fresh water or sea water
Protozoa shape varies at different phases in its life cycle .
Protozoa have locomotor assortment among others, there is a false leg , fur shakes ( cillia ) or fur cambak ( flagellum ) .

In general, protozoa reproduce by splitting / binary fission .
classification of Protozoa
Protozoa based motion classification tool . Protozoa are divided into 4 classes and so easy to memorize disngkat RSCM ( Rhizopoda , Sporozoa , ciliate , Mastigophora )

a. Rhizopoda
Most of his life in fresh water and sea water
Body structure consists of protoplasm bounded by membranes .

This animal has a special feature that tool motion in the form of pseudo foot ( pseudopodium ) . An apparent leg penjuluran from most protoplasm . Motion called amoeboid motion .
Vegetatively reproduce by splitting / binary fission / amitosis .

Food is taken by phagocytes and digested in food vacuoles .

Contractile vacuole excretion tool / cavity pulsed . Contractile vacuole also serves to maintain the osmotic balance of the cell , preventing development beyond the limits rhizopoda 's major rupture .
Breathing is done by using the entire body surface diffusion .
Rhizopoda example :

Entamoeba histolytica / disentriae parasites in the human small intestine causing dysentery
Parasite Entamoeba coli in the human large intestine causes diarrhea
Parasite Entamoeba gingivalis in the cavity of the tooth and can damage the teeth and gums
Arcella sp has the outer frame of the substance chitin , found in freshwater
Having Difflugia sp delicate membranes , so that the sand can stick
Foraminifera sp outer framework of lime indicator of petroleum
Radiolarians sp outer framework of substance grit for abrasive materials ( abrasives )

b . Sporozoa

is an animal that can form spores to infect its host . Round or spherical body length . All members of the phylum Sporozoa not have the tools and parasitical motion .

Reproduction in two ways :

In asexual / vegetative subdivided into :
Skizogoni which the division takes place in the host's body remains
Sporogoni that form spores which takes place in the intermediate host's body ( intermediate host ) way through the fusion that occurs in the mosquito's body
Sexual / generative called gamogoni / gametogenesis in the form of the formation and fusion of gametes cells ( mikrogamet / male gametes and makrogamet / female gametes ) that occurs in the intermediate host's body or mosquitoes .
Sporozoa examples include:

Plasmadium vivax , the cause of tertian malaria with symptoms of fever with sporulation in the intervening period of 48 hours .

Plasmodium malariae , malaria causes fever quartana with the sporulation time in 72 -hour intervals .

Falcifarum plasmodium , causes malaria, tropical diseases with symptoms of irregular fever .
Plasmadium ovale , causing spleen disease / ovale tertian malaria , with symptoms of fever lighter than tertian malaria .

Life cycle of Plasmodium
Cycle / life cycle of Plasmodium requires two hosts living beings :
the body of the female Anopheles mosquito as an intermediary host
the human body as a host remained

Female Anopheles mosquito bite , suck human blood which then secrete saliva containing sporozoites .
In the human body :

Together sporozoites to the liver blood flow and settle for ± 3 days .
Then sporozoid out of the liver and then infect red blood cells . Sporozoid in the red blood cells called tropozoid .

Tropozoid will be split into 6-32 merozoid . cleavage events in the human host is called skizogoni .
After red blood cells rupture , merozoid out and look for the red blood cells are new . Genesis merozoid damage / lysis of red blood cells over beberapakali . Fever occurs when merozoites lyse red blood cells in large quantities .
Most of merizoid turned into gametocytes and gametocytes will turn into makrogametosit / female gametes and mikrogametosit / male gamete .
If the patient's blood the female anopheles mosquito bites and suck blood and the patient was then makrogametosit mikrogametosit will join and sucked into the mosquito body .
 In the mosquito's body :

In the salivary glands of the mosquito and mikrogametosit makrogametosit develop into makrogamet ( ovum ) and mikrogamet ( sperm ) . The process is called gamogoni / gametogenesis .
Fertilization ( fusion of male gametes and female gametes ) , forming a zygote .
Zygote develops into ookinet entry into the mosquito gut to get food
Ookinet further encased by the mosquito's stomach wall muscles forming oocysts
Oocysts will divide repeatedly membelahvsehingga formed cells called sporozoites complete . Cleavage events in the body of the mosquito called sporogoni
Oocysts that have matured so that it will rupture sporozoites mosquitoes spread throughout the body , such as in the salivary glands.
Female Anopheles mosquito bite , suck human blood which then secrete saliva containing sporozoites .
To summarize this cycle very easily by rote : STMGZOO ( Sporozoid - Tropozoid - Merozoid - Gametosit - zygote - Ookinet - oocysts )

Malaria eradication can be done by:
Avoiding mosquito bites Anopheles sp .
Cut the Plasmodium life cycle by burying used goods that can be flooded , and the water tank cover regularly draining etc. .
Controlling populations of Anopheles mosquitoes with insecticides and larvicides
Treatment of patients on a regular basis with the anti - malarial as atebrin and klrokin . Traditional medicine using quinine .

c . Cilliata
Cilliata is a single-celled protists that hairy body surface vibration ( cilia ) which serves as a means of movement and capture prey .
Oval body shape and form fixed / unchanging
Living in a place where water eg rice , swamp , watery land and contains a lot of organic matter .
Cilliata nature of life there are those that are free-living and parasitic .
Some examples of classes cilliata : Paramaecium , Nyctoterus , Stylonichia sp , Balantidium Coly , Stentor , Vorticella , Didinium

Paramecium caudatum

Another name because it looks like the animal slipper sandals
Habitat in watery places , rice paddies , swamps
Have two kinds of nuclei are micronucleus to reproductive and physiological processes makronukleus to help others
Has two kinds , namely vacuole food vacuole serves to help digest food and contractile vacuole / pulsating functions to maintain the water balance in the body da remove residual liquid food .
Reproduce in two ways: by vegetative binary fission and conjugation generative manner .
Kojugasi process occurs between two mutually attaches paramecium and form a channel for the exchange of micronucleus .

While other examples Cilliata animals are :

Stentor : animal shaped like a trumpet
Didinium : Paramecium is a predator , living waters that many protozoa .
Vorticella : shapes like bells , terdapar cilia around the mouth of the cell .
Stylonichia : similar to Paramecium , cilia in groups called Sirus .
Nyctoterus ovalis : parasites in the gut of cockroaches, oval shaped like Paramecium sp
Balantidium coli : parasites in the intestines / colon humans . the disease is called balantidiosis .

d . Mastigophora / flagellates

All organisms were classified as having flagellates flagellum that acts as a motion . In addition to the flagellum locomotor dianfaatkan also bring in food into the mouth and the sense to know the state of the environment .

Based on the presence or absence of chlorophyll flagellates class is divided into two kinds yaitufitoflagellata and zooflagellata .


Flagellates are able to perform photosynthesis because it has chromatophores
Habitat in the waters clean and dirty water

How to digest food there are several ways :

holozoik : and digest prey on other organisms in the body
holofitik : make their own food from inorganic substances
saprophytic : digesting organisms that have died .
Asexual reproduction by binary fission and sexual reproduction by conjugation .
Example : Euglena , Volvox , Noctiluca :
Euglena ( have chlorophyll ) ,
Euglena sanguinea ( have pigment phycoerythrin / red )
Volvox globator ( live in colonies )
Noctiluca miliaris ( give off light at night ) .

Zooflagellata / dinoflagellate

Do not have chlorophyll , so are heterotrophic
Generally live as parasites in animals and humans

For example : Tripanosoma , Leishmania

Name of the species and diseases caused :

  • Tripanosoma lewisi parasites in the blood of mice
  • Tripanosoma cruci cagas cause disease ( anemia children )
  • Tripanosoma evansi sick sura ( lazy ) in cattle , vector flies tabanidae
  • Tripanosoma brucei nagano disease in cattle
  • Tripanosoma gabiense sleeping sickness, the tsetse fly vector
  • Tripanosoma rhodosiense sleeping sickness, the tsetse fly vector
  • Tripanosoma vaginalis in vaginal discharge
  • Leishmania donovani causes kalaazar sick ( fever and anemia )
  • Leishmania tropical skin diseases

Definition of Kingdom Protista Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Creator Edukasi

15 komentar:

  1. Itu kata bulu ya bang ... tapi sejenis bakteri ya itu bang ...

  2. Joko Purnomo : iya ..
    bakteri ..
    smoga ada mamfaatnya lah /..

  3. Andre VULN : iya ..
    maksih sudah mau berkunjung ..

  4. Aulia Rahman Syahputera : makasih gan ..
    tapi ngemeng2 ngerti gak bahasa inggris lu :D

  5. Keren, bisa di jadikan referensi
    sangat bermanfaat.

  6. indodetik onees : thanks bro udah mendukung ...
    makasih juga sudah berkunjung ..
    sangat bermamfaat bagi kami ...

  7. wah, anak exact ya nih, bagus-bagus, salute. dipelajari terus ya english dan biologinya juga. itu di sudut kanan atas ada we love biology pagenya zikrul juga?

  8. Azhar Ilyas : iya bg ..
    pnya ane juga ...

    saya sangat tertarik dengan biology ..
    maakasih bg udah berkunjung ..

  9. Pakai artikel bahasa Inggris.. :D bisa ngundang orang bule ini.

  10. Daniel Erick : AMINNN..
    mudah2an orng bule yg visit

  11. coment balik bang sama gtalk nya :) http://www.juhrie.blogspot.com/2013/12/daftar-buronan-kpk.html

  12. juhry ann : oke bro ...
    mkasih udah berkunjung ..
