Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dangers of Smoking for the Health of Human Body

Smoking is no longer becomes a habit which only made ​​the man alone . Precisely at this time many women are soluble in smoking habits . In fact , waking up in the morning without a cigarette it feels like I've been through breakups .

Also felt sad , when we really know that is inhaled toxins , but the pleasure grounds and habits such as being a proper defense .

Here is a review about the dangers of smoking as reported by womenshealthmag.com .

Within 0-10 seconds

When lit cigarette , smoked , and the smoke released through your mouth may not be aware that there is the smoke that goes into the lungs . The smoke carries toxins like formaldehyde and ammonia , which will immediately affect the immune system and increase the risk of inflammation in the body .

Maybe there is a filter installed on cigarettes , but there nicotine into the bloodstream and seep through living in pore lungs .

Your body is so filled with nicotine , and often blood pressure rise . So the heart beat faster . There is a feeling of excessive fret when you can not smoke . You will be nervous like something was missing . Body used to receiving nicotine and nicotine demanding greater . This is where the higher the risk of stroke .

At the same time , carbon monoxide will penetrate into the blood and oxygen limiting charge will be taken to other parts of the body .

Through this blood , nicotine also be reaching the brain . Affect the nerves in the brain that make the brain will slowly be decreased .

Within 5 minutes

Because nicotine has been entered into the brain , the brain works will be chaotic . Sometimes though hungry body , brain reading different information , so one more to smoke cigarettes than eat .

Over time, when someone tried to stop , he will be aware that he had been addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes . Even many people who feel weak , anxiety disorder , and easy emotions when the moment is not permitted .


And below are some of the harmful effect of smoking :

1 . impotence

Smoking reduces the blood flow necessary to achieve a keadaanereksi . Because of them that smoking may affect penile erection days .

2 . face of Wrinkles

Smoking may reduce the flow of oxygen and nutrients needed by the way your skin cells constrict blood vessels around the face . So will cause wrinkles .

3 . Stained teeth and Breath Odor .

Particles from cigarette smoke can give a yellow to brown spots on your teeth , and it will also trap odor-producing bacteria in your mouth . Gum disease and tooth loss are also more common in smokers .

4 . Being Around You And Smell .

Cigarette smoke has an unpleasant smell and stick to everything , from skin and hair to clothes and stuff around you . And the smell is not at all appetizing family and friends .

5 . Brittle bones

Numerous studies have found an association between smoking and osteoporosis in men and women . A study looked at cases of hip fracture in elderly women , and concluded that one of the 8 cases were fractures caused by bone loss that is caused by smoking .

6 . depression

Some scientists consider cigarettes contain substances that can cause an increase in mood . Substance is what usually implies reduced when a person is suffering from depression . That is also the reason why people who are stressed or depressed tend to seek escape into cigarettes .

7 . A bad role model for children .

Every day , an estimated 3,000 children in the U.S. are becoming addicted to cigarette smoking . If they continue to smoke , 1,000 of them will die from smoking-related diseases .

Dangers of Smoking for the Health of Human Body Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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