Monday, November 18, 2013

The process of bone formation in humans

           The process of bone formation has been started since the age of embryos 6-7 weeks and lasts until about the age of 30-35 years old adult . Here is a picture of bone formation : From the graph , bone mass begins to grow from the age of 0 . Until the age of 30-35 years ( depending indvidu ) bone pertembuhan stopped , and reached peak bone mass . Peak bone mass is not necessarily good , but at the age of peak bone mass is reached that is human .

When beginning the process of growth of calcium intake is always awake , the peak was reached maximum bone mass . But if the initial growth of the calcium intake is not maintained as well as balanced nutrition , the peak bone mass is not masimal . At age 0-30/35 years , called bone modeling because the mass is created or someone terbetuk bone models . So that other people , others also form bone . At age 30-3 years , bone growth is complete , which is called the modeling is complete remodeling of bone turnover stayed old bone is replaced with new ones that are still young .

Naturally , after the formation of bone is complete , there will be a decrease in bone mass . This can be prevented by keeping the intake ouncak kaslium after achieving bone mass . With Supan 800-1200 mg of calcium per day , peak bone mass can be maintained . The goal is to prevent a decline in bone mass , decreased bone mass which will result in reduced bone density , and bone will have osteoporosis . Osteoporosis is better prevented by adequate intake of calcium after age 30 or 35 years .

In the process of bone formation , bone regeneration experience , namely bone turnover sduah - old bone is replaced with new bone that is still young , this process is balanced so that peak bone mass is formed . Once formed peak bone mass , bone turnover is still experiencing old bone with bone that is still young , but the process is not in balance where the bone is absorbed to be replaced a lot more than that to replace the bone , then a decline in bone mass , and if this situation running continuously , there will be osteoporosis .
The process of bone formation occurs in two ways ,

a) intra- membrane ossification

The process of bone formation of mesenchymal tissue into bone tissue , for example in the formation of lamellar bone . Mesenchyme is part of the mesoderm layer , which then develop into connective tissue and blood . Skull bones are derived directly from mesenchymal cells through the process of ossification intrammebrane .

b ) ossification endokondral

The process of bone formation occurs where mesenchymal cells first differentiate into cartilage ( cartilage tissue ) and then transformed into bone tissue , eg the formation of long bones , vertebrae , and pelvis . Ossification process is largely responsible for the formation of human bone . In this process of bone cells ( osteoblasts ) actively divide and appears in the middle of the disbeut cartilage ossification center . Osteoblasts subsequently transformed into osteocytes , bone cells mature is firmly embedded in the bone mtariks .
Cartilage formation occurs immediately after the formation of cartilage ( cartilage ) à penetrate blood vessels in the center of the perichondrium cartilage perichondrium cells stimulate osteoblasts à à à perichondrium layer kompakta bone periosteum .
            Along with the process , on the inside of the cartilage in the area diafisis also called primary ossification center , the cartilage cells swell and then burst , causing an increase in pH ( a base) as a result of lime deposited , thus all the nutrients terganggulah cartilage cells and menyebbakan death in cartilage cells of this . Then it will happen degeneration (deterioration of form and function ) and the dissolution of the intercellular substances ( including calcium ) along with the entry of blood vessels into the area , forming a cavity in the bone marrow .
        At later stages , the blood vessels will enter the area ephiphise causing secondary ossification center , forming spongy bone . Thus the remaining cartilage at both ends ephiphise who was instrumental in the movement of the joints and the cartilage above and diafise epifise called epifise discs .
         During growth , the cartilage cells in the disc epifise continue to divide and then crushed and the cartilage is replaced by bone in the area diafise , so thick discs epifise still while the bone will grow lengthwise . On growth diameter ( width ) of bone , the bone marrow cavity area was destroyed by osteoclasts so that the marrow cavity enlarges , and at the same time forming osteoblasts in periosteal new bone layers did aerah surface .

  • The process of bone formation
  • Blood vessels penetrate the perichondrium
  • stimulate
  • Perichondrium turned into osteoblasts
  • Kompakta bone forming osteoblasts ( perichondrium turned into periosteum )
  • Diafisis formed on the inside of the cartilage
  • Cartilage rupture , death of cartilage cells
  • degeneration
  • Blood vessels enter
  • Bone marrow cavity formed
  • formed epiphyseal

The process of bone formation in humans Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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